
Decisions create destinies, and Michelle’s book will help you make wise decisions.  Her passion to help you reach your highest and best will take you through a journey of examinations that will greatly aid you in navigating the challenges of making solid and wise decisions in today’s constantly changing world.  So, pick up a copy, find a quiet place and launch an adventure you will be glad you took time to have.

Michael and Dr. Sylvia Monagan

Elders/Family Christian Center, Munster, Indiana


This book Why Has The Mighty Fallen has such an insightful message on how to avoid the pitfalls that can cause self destruction to our self as well as our ministry.  To many times people are afraid to admit their short comings or that help is needed because of their status or because they don't want to be alone. " GOD HAS NOT GIVEN US THE SPIRIT OF FEAR, BUT OF  LOVE, POWER AND A SOUND MIND". I thank God I know HE IS MY HELP IN THE TIME OF NEED.

Elder Lori Haywood

Tulsa, Oklahoma


“Why Hast The Mighty Fallen?” gives readers insight and allows them to “go inside” the life of a leader. This book shines a light on the experiences leaders face – good, bad, and ugly. Moreover, it highlights the importance of having accountability and counsel in one’s life, especially as a leader. It not only provides readers with warning signs preceding a “fall”, but it also gives practical steps on how to recover and be restored from devastation. I highly recommend this read. It is a blessing to every leader!

Candace M. Hoover Min., Chicago, IL.


Why Hast The Mighty Fallen? By Dr. Michelle Robinson is a well needed book for all leaders whether in the corporate arena, in government, or church , if you are a leader you need to invest in this literature. I say this from my prospective as a Pastor who has had experience with many of the examples that Dr Robinson has so eloquently presented to us. If I would have had this wealth of knowledge during my time as a Pastor, I could have approached things in a different way, and could  have prevented a lot of unnecessary loss and heartache. I was one who did not have the privilege of having someone that I was accountable to, and I thought I could do it alone, boy was I wrong. Reading this book I realize that it was not that I did not have the privilege of one , it’s that I was not honest enough with myself to realize that I needed one and I was to prideful to ask for help. God does not just put us out there without resources and people to help us , and I believe that every leader who has not obtained Why hast the mighty fallen, truly you need this book in your library.
Dr Robinson left no stone unturned and you can see that she put the time into this book to be a blessing not only to the body of Christ, but to all people who lead others. She not only gives us reasons behind our fall , but she also gives us the tools to prevent the fall.
We don’t have to fall and if we know the signs and how to prevent it, I believe we should be open and honest enough with our selves to realize that we all need help, and this book can help prevent unnecessary loss.

Thank You Dr. Michelle Robinson for being a blessing to us all.
Your Fellow laborer in Christ

Elder Kenneth Williams Min., Chicago, IL.